Mike’s father, Jim West, started working in the home improvement field after serving in WWII. Jim West believed that if you provide a quality service at a fair price you will build relationships for life with your customers. Mike began learning the trade by assisting his father during summer breaks while in school. Mike served his country in the United States Navy upon graduating from high school. Upon returning from active duty Mike rejoined his father and formed West Construction LLC in 1979. Since then, Mike and his family have been serving the Greater Cleveland area with home remodeling services. West Construction is now three generations strong with his children stepping in to learn the business. His wife Patty, and other relatives, are also involved in the everyday operations as family ties are very important to him.
It’s a proven fact when people in the Cleveland area want to remodel their home they are usually faced with the question “who do we call?”. Many people will call family, friends and neighbors to see if they can recommend someone that they had a good experience with. Our A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau is the highest a company can receive and attests to our commitment of superior customer service. West Construction’s goal is that when we work for someone, everyone will have a great experience. So when you’re asked the question of who would you recommend? The choice is simple, your friends at West Construction LLC.
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