
District of Columbia(703) 898-6034
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Answers from contractors near , District of Columbia

Looking to replace basement window but have a cross beam and board impeding the window. Looks like the purpose of it is to prevent joists from settling.

Mason Hearn of HomeMasons, Inc. PRO answered:

Jan 5, 2021
Looks like this may have been someone's remedy for a deteriorated / rotten mud sill (the flat wooden plate which sits atop the foundation wall, upon which the joists bear).  If that is the case, it is ... read more
What's the best hardwood flooring product for pet owners?
May 15, 2014
I have a mother-in-law that has been breeding dogs for many years and she swares by ceramic tile. Laminate are durable but make the tapping noise from their nails when they walk on them.

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