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Majesty Homes Inc. General Contractor

At Majesty Homes we count on a professional team well trained to take care of your house cleaning needs. Our 18 years experience guarantee our services.

We count on EXCELLENT REFERENCES from our long time customers. Word of mouth it's being our advertisement.


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We display two types of written homeowner feedback on GuildQuality member profile pages: Comments and Reviews.


In response to our customer satisfaction surveys, homeowners share lots of comments about construction quality, communication, or any other question asked in the survey. Guildmembers can selectively publish these comments here on their profile page.


Reviews are different than comments. These are star ratings that homeowners ask us to publish, and they come with a written description of the type of experience they had working with their contractor. We publish all of the reviews we receive: positive and negative alike.

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Answers from contractors near Centreville, VA

How long does it take for water to stop dripping at the faucet after the main shutoff valve is applied?
Jan 13, 2017
It depends on the faucet and whether the faucet has an aereator. Even when the valve is turned into the off positions, there is still some residual water in the faucet, and aereator. Once all of the w ... read more
How can I best get squirrels out of my attic and repair their hole?
Nov 19, 2014
On the squirrel removal, best to call a trapper or get a trap.  That area agains the home can be covered with some heavy guage counter flashing and sealed up prior to that with some fast setting mort ... read more

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