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United Enhancement Group

United En­hance­ment Group is a full in­sured and li­censed re­mod­el­ing and Con­struc­tion Com­pany pro­vid­ing a full range of home de­sign and con­struc­tion ser­vices in­clud­ing kitchens, bath­rooms, floor­ing, paint­ing win­dows, roof­ing and plumb­ing work.

United En­hance­ment Group is a fam­ily op­er­ated highly skilled, ex­pe­ri­enced and pro­fes­sional. Our mis­sion is sim­ple, we pro­vide our cus­tomers ex­cel­lent ser­vice by pro­fes­sional crew and in­no­va­tive de­sign so­lu­tion for our cus­tomers in Pitts­burgh. Ev­ery project – re­gard­less of size – is as­signed a per­sonal project man­ager who helps mon­i­tor the project through com­ple­tion.

United En­hance­ment Group pro­fes­sional project man­agers and de­sign­ers take the time to know you and your home in or­der to cre­ate the am­bi­ence ide­ally suited to your life­style, lo­ca­tion, and bud­get. As a fam­ily-owned com­pany, we place a high value on cus­tomer ser­vice and want to de­light all our cus­tomers. We of­fer a free ini­tial con­sul­ta­tion and es­ti­mate to find out if we are a match for you.


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Answers from contractors near Monroeville, PA

Any recommendations for attic stairs replacement wood versus aluminum ? Any brand recommendation? Reviews are all over the place .
Wood is the best attic stairs.
what are the costs of white roof pipe collars?
Valarie they dont make them in white but you can get them in a mill finish for under $10

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