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Michael Lee, Inc

Michael Lee was founded in 2003 on honest values "treat the client like you would like to be treated". Started by David Frosch after years of requests of his Kootenia Homes clients to finish a basement or add a porch. Now we find new Kitchens are really number one followed closely by additions and porches. Michael Lee is a full service design-build company in it's purest since. We specialize in 3D design where you see the full impact of your project way before you start. Since 2009 Michael Lee has also been building homes basically the ones under the price ranges of Kootenia Homes. Yes we build starting at $300k up to $600k today which are prices Kootenia could not handle with it's specs.

"Creating New Living Spaces for your Lifestyle and Budget"


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  • 2007 Qualified Remodeler Top 500
  • 2013 Professional Remodeler Award
  • Best of houzz 2013
  • Best of Houzz 2014-Customer Satisfaction
  • National Association of Home Builders (NAHB)

Answers from contractors near Woodbury, MN

What is the best way to handle unraveling carpet.

Luke Vogel of Roofs R Us PRO answered:

Apr 27, 2016
Wood on the enrty will help stop it, also find the end of the part of the carpet that has begun to unravel and cut it with a sharp knife or clip with a sissors and place a drop of glue on the end down ... read more
Which rug will be comfortable at the bedroom area wool rug or silk rug?
Jul 22, 2015
Silk has a great look to it, and feels great on your feet when it's a bit warm! Can also be very cold when it's cold, and if you have sweaty feet they may stick to it and move the rug around a lot! Pe ... read more

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