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We display two types of written homeowner feedback on GuildQuality member profile pages: Comments and Reviews.


In response to our customer satisfaction surveys, homeowners share lots of comments about construction quality, communication, or any other question asked in the survey. Guildmembers can selectively publish these comments here on their profile page.


Reviews are different than comments. These are star ratings that homeowners ask us to publish, and they come with a written description of the type of experience they had working with their contractor. We publish all of the reviews we receive: positive and negative alike.

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Answers from contractors near Penninsula, OH

Is it natural for water main to drip after it is turned on after 3 weeks shut off ? We had shut it off and drained before going on vacation
Jan 15, 2019
Just behind the valve handle there is a "packing nut" that sucures the shut off valve into the body of the unit. Take a cresent wrench and tighten up that nut and this should stop that leak. No need t ... read more
What are some common mistakes people make when building a custom home?

Rob Myers of Myers Homes PRO answered:

Jul 11, 2015
The killer mistake that people make is they let money become too big a deciding criteria, and then suffer through the whole project because of it. First, don't do that! Don't let the money become a bi ... read more

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