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Answers from contractors near , South Carolina

My Bermuda sod was put down at my new home in December. How do I care for it to promote growth and keep it healthy?

Tara Woods of Crown Builders PRO answered:

Mar 14, 2017
We just had sod installed at the office here at Crown Builders in Charlotte, NC.  The landscaper told me to water each day for 15 minutes the first 10 days.  From 10-21 days after install water every ... read more
I have a ranch-style brick house and I'd like to give it a facelift. Do you recommend painting brick or will it be a lot of maintenance/work in the long-run?
Mar 18, 2015
Try Shewin Williams Loxon XP which is for Masonry.  It lasts a very long time and no need to prime.

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