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To whom it may concern, I honestly don't give complements or credit unless it is truly due. Thus, having said that, I feel the need to recognize Brian Miller, who I feel after meeting him and having the experience of talking with him about having windows installed as a first time was truly one of the best experiences I have ever had. Not only was he sincere, but also he was a good listener and my initial impression was, "trustworthy." And I can say that it isn't often that I meet a sales representative who sincerely takes the time and is patient, calm in demeanor, and also is a man of his word. I am a woman of my word and when I see this is people, I want to recognize them for their good. I'm grateful to have met Brian Miller and I would recommend him to anyone as a trustworthy person. Respectfully, Ms Sara Moore

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How can you soundproof a bedroom to prevent noises from coming out of your home in an affordable way? I live in a condo.
The least expensive option is going to be to create white noise. Otherwise, you'll need some type of sound insulation and dense pack cellulose might be able to be retrofitted into the wall cavity. But ... read more
What's the best way to know my builder is staying on top of building my new home if I'm far away in another state during the project?
Aug 19, 2014
Hey Andy, Consider setting up a DropBox account with your builder, so you can receive regular photos of the progress they are making. photos to answer questions you may have about product or performan ... read more

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