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We display two types of written homeowner feedback on GuildQuality member profile pages: Comments and Reviews.


In response to our customer satisfaction surveys, homeowners share lots of comments about construction quality, communication, or any other question asked in the survey. Guildmembers can selectively publish these comments here on their profile page.


Reviews are different than comments. These are star ratings that homeowners ask us to publish, and they come with a written description of the type of experience they had working with their contractor. We publish all of the reviews we receive: positive and negative alike.

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Answers from contractors near Janesville, WI

i just had all the windows replaced in my home, why am i getting moisture on the inside of some of the windows and puddles on the window sills?

Stephanie Penge of Euro-Tech PRO answered:

Dec 14, 2016
Condensation is caused by high humidity in the home. Often times when you get your windows replaced from single pane wood to a double pane vinyl - you will notice this issue. Older windows tend to hav ... read more
What should I do if I have frozen water pipes?

Marty Brummel of M.K. Brummel PRO answered:

Feb 18, 2014
If you are leaving the house, you definitely want to shut the water off to the house, in case the water line bursts. Otherwise, if you can find the frozen area, you can take a hair dryer to the spot t ... read more

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