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Trademark Building Company

We are a Myrtle Beach, SC based full service construction company. Offering a wide range of construction, from clearing land, renovations, remodeling, commercial construction, new residential custom home construction, residential military privatization construction, Milcon (military construction) and disaster clean up assistance. ​ Trademark is THE ONLY LOCAL BUILDER in Myrtle Beach that has had the opportunity and honor to be part of the Military Privatization Program in which we have provided services to construct new up to date modern homes for our nations military and their families. We have provided our home building services on Camp Lejeune, NC, Fort Bragg, NC, Cherry Point, NC, New River Air Station, and Guantanamo Bay (GITMO), Cuba. Our radius for military base construction is South Carolina, North Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. Trademark specializes in "shell construction" on military residential projects, this involves concrete foundation, framing, roofing and at times siding.

As a commercial general contractor Trademark has the bonding and construction ability for small and large commercial structures, including Milcon and large multifamily projects.

Custom homes are on a homeowners lot, or one of our lots, this will include the design build or a plan a homeowner already has in hand ​

Take a look through our site, from our custom homes, commercial projects, military base constuction and natural disaster assistance and contact us through the contact box on any of our pages, thanks for looking

Answers from contractors near myrtle beach, SC

I will need to start thinking about repainting the exterior of my home, what's new in products and paint?
Mar 18, 2015
All of the premium coatings have been improving the last few years.  Our company uses Sherwin - Williams SuperPaint for the Body and Duration for the trim.  If you can afford duration for the whole ho ... read more
We need a good, reliable general contractor to help us with a bathroom renovation. How do I find one that won't charge us more because of our address?
Jun 10, 2014
There is a lot of good advice in people's responses. The best thing you can do is get as much detail as possible in your estimate from your contractor/s. Just to clarify one myth, we, like most profes ... read more

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