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Soto's Kitchen HVAC Plumbing

Trusted Chicago HVAC, Plumbing and Kitchen Remodeling Contractor. Expert sales, services and installations. Affordable pricing and all our work comes with warranty. Call now and get your free quote...

Answers from contractors near Chicago, IL

What should I do if I have frozen water pipes?
Nov 18, 2014
Here's what to do if you wake up some frigid winter morning to find a water pipe frozen solid:Step 1: Open faucet so steam produced by your thawing activities will be able to escape. Step 2: Start tha ... read more
Can vinyl shutters be painted? We have some shutters that were black but have since become very faded.
Jun 15, 2014
Yes, they absolutely can be painted.  Go to your local Home Depot, Sherwin Williams or Lowes for advice and color selection.  It is best to remove the shutters first.  This will probably make the job ... read more

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