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Answers from contractors near Norfolk, VA

What is the best flooring for a basement (concrete slab) with some moisture / humidity present?

Mason Hearn of HomeMasons, Inc. PRO answered:

Sep 14, 2021
It would be difficult to prescribe a proper floor without specific knowledge of the conditions - how much moisture, and where is it coming from?  As well, it is always better to think of most anything ... read more
Looking to replace basement window but have a cross beam and board impeding the window. Looks like the purpose of it is to prevent joists from settling.

Mason Hearn of HomeMasons, Inc. PRO answered:

Jan 5, 2021
Looks like this may have been someone's remedy for a deteriorated / rotten mud sill (the flat wooden plate which sits atop the foundation wall, upon which the joists bear).  If that is the case, it is ... read more

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