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Apple Home Improvement

We are a home improvement company specializing in exterior remodeling (roofing, siding, doors, windows, decking, gutters, trim, etc.). We pride ourselves in delivering phenomenal customer service, master craftsmanship, and affordable pricing. When you call to set up an appointment, we will send one of our specialists out to see you. They will go over our company background and credentials; that way, you are comfortable with us. They will inspect the work that you want done, go over available options, and deliver you a down to the penny price on your project. Call us today for a free quote! 540-940-3044. Apple Home Improvement, customer satisfaction to the core!

Answers from contractors near Fredericksburg, VA

What is the best way to remove a very slight amount of mold on shower grout? What is the BEST sealer to use for re-sealing the cleaned grout?
Nov 8, 2014
You didn't mention if the grout was colored. Be very careful to NOT use any bleach based products on any colored grouts. Something that works good on all types of grout is bon-ami mixed with vinegar. ... read more
Can vinyl shutters be painted? We have some shutters that were black but have since become very faded.
Aug 15, 2014
The shutters on my own home are painted, although not well.  I think the consideration becomes is when the cost of painting them approaches about 70% the cost of new.  Shutters aren't terrible expens ... read more

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