Our Mission
Our mission serves as our benchmark, guiding our actions and decisions.
*To sustain our existing housing stock... *To effect positive change... *To build value. *To be happy.
Our Vision
Our vision describes needed accomplishments and guides us to achieving continuous valuable growth.
*People: Create the right environment and you will attract and inspire the right people. *Portfolio: Offer a portfolio of quality product and services that meet our clients needs and likes. *Partners: Maintain a collaborative network of clients, sub-trades and suppliers, to create reciprocal, lasting value. *Planet: Be an integral part of sustaining communities. *Profit: Fulfill the social, economic and other requirements of our clients, employees and owners by being a profitable company. *Productivity: Conduct all our processes in the most efficient manner.
Our Culture
Our Culture nurtures the approach and conduct required of us to ensure our Vision’s success.
Live Our Values
Our values guide our actions and relate how we conduct ourselves.
*Leadership: Only true leadership can lead *Collaboration: Give what you have and you will get what you need *Integrity: Trust yourself and others will trust you *Accountability: Do what you are suppose to do, when you suppose to do it, as well as you can do it, all of the time. *Passion: Believe in yourself *Diversity: You are welcome here *Quality: Never settle
Focus on our Market:
*Pay attention to the needs and wants of our clients. *Use your imagination *Plan from what we learn *Leverage market knowledge *Continuously build value into our offerings *Bring that value to our market
Work Smart
*Be swift *Be ready for change *Recognized when change is needed and take action *Continuously improve *Optimize workflows
Act Like you own it
*Accountability for outcomes of the company *Build value *Reward innovation, risk taking, problem solving *Build the plan, use the plan, learn from the results, repeat
Be the Ball
Stop thinking...let things happen...and be...the ball
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