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Answers from contractors near Kansas City, MO

I have cracks in my basement concrete. What type of expert can tell me if the problem is serious? How do I find someone who can give me an unbiased appraisal?
Nov 19, 2015
All concrete has cracks. The difference is if it leaking or getting worse. Call the local wterproofing or mudd jacking contractor for a site visit.
What is the best way to install 30" high x 72" wide x 5/8 thick double pane fixed glass in vertical wall on roof. I am replacing "cloudy"existing ones
Hi Glenn, If they are cloudy between the panes it is almost always and indication of "Seal Failure". If the windows are still covered under a 10 year warranty you should first contact the window manuf ... read more
Last edited Jan 28, 2015 1:00pm

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