Enigma Concepts & Design is an Entertainment Production Design house & Scenic Shop and has worked with numerous phenomenal organizations nationwide.
We are a flexible firm and will collaborate with you and/or your company in whatever means you require. Whether we join forces at the outset of the design process, or, working from commissioned designs, we can accomplish (not just imagine) at least 6 impossible things before breakfast. We'll take your rough sketches (and draft and model them), or your fantastical schemas and craft a spectacle you won't soon forget.
Of course, Entertainment Production is not only about the art, but also the funds required to create that art. Thus, we will, prior to construction, provide either a general cost estimate or a more detailed bid (based on your individual circumstances) in order to ensure the project retains the highest artistic and professional quality while adhering to your fiscal constraints (loathsome though they may be).
Additionally, we can accomplish your vision in whatever means required: be it a simple need for a technical director, lead scenic, lead charge, or charge artist or for a full-scale design project. We can build in our shop and transport to your venue, or complete all work on-site (if your facilities allow).
Finally, we strive to be environmentally conscious in our design, construction, and implementation as much as feasibly possible within our current capabilities and your budget. We are consistently working towards implementing design and construction techniques and employing readily renewable materials (including reclaiming and recycling appropriate materials when a project has been completed) that reduce the environmental footprint of our artistic collaboration.
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