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Blue River Restoration - Indianapolis

Blue River Restoration Services, LLC is dedicated to serving residential and local businesses. Our cleaning and restoration company strives to be #1 in restoring the home and business health of properties damaged by water, mold, lead, fire, smoke and wind damage and outside elements, and thus, is an asset to its community. By providing customers with quality water damage removal and fire damage removal services, our company is fulfilling the needs of residents/businesses within its immediate community. Blue River Restoration Services, LLC provides emergency response 24/7, 365 days a year, for cleaning and restoration services such as but not limited to, water remediation, fire damage remediation, wind damage, lead removal, asbestos removal, smoke and odor control, demolition of total insurance loss properties, environmental remediation, as well as mold and bio hazarded material remediation.

Chris McCormick

Blue River Restoration Services, LLC

Sakshi Gupta


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Reviews are different than comments. These are star ratings that homeowners ask us to publish, and they come with a written description of the type of experience they had working with their contractor. We publish all of the reviews we receive: positive and negative alike.

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Answers from contractors near Indianapolis, IN

When it comes to major home renovations, what improvements/fixes produce the best ROI?
Nov 18, 2016
Phillip and Clifton have it right on.  That's our reference as well.  Digging one level deeper, the biggest bang for your buck generally comes from direct replacement projects.  Meaning, if you need t ... read more
Last edited Nov 18, 2016 10:48am
I had an 8x10 porch built which covers my back door and kitchen windows. Does this qualify as an Energy Efficiency Improvement by IRS standards?
Mar 30, 2015 I do not believe that would qualify. Only the materials qaulifies for the credit.

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