C E asked:

Jul 16, 2015
The base of my downspout where it meets the ground has a piece of ceramic broken away. What type of contractor do I call?

A good quality roofer, exterior remodeler, plumber or landscaper.

Alex Graham asked:

Feb 17, 2014
What are some common mistakes people make when building a custom home?

The biggest mistake you can make is to focus on price.  Interview people that have had a custom home built. Ask them, "what would you do different?".... there is your answer of what mistakes to avoid!

Seam Goh asked:

Jun 24, 2015
how to report a complaint to warn homeowners of a roofer's bad/irrespoonsible customer service?

Here are a few ideas....

  1. File a complaint with the Better Business Bureau 
  2. Most homeowners associations have message boards - post your experience there
  3. Call your local TV station - they love doing stories on bad contractors
  4. Put a sign on your front lawn warning your neighbors!
Feb 17, 2014
What's the best way to test out if my roof is leaking before it rains?

If you can get into your attic you should be able to see evidence of leaks. Look for staining and/or rotting wood at walls and penetrations.

Lisa Fears asked:

Nov 13, 2015
I just got leaf filter gutter guards, steel mesh, 2 months ago. Now that it's fall there are leaves piled up on top, stuck with rain, etc. What to do?

Many homeowners are looking for a miracle product that will free them from ever having to clean their gutters again.Some companies are actually claiming they have this miracle product! There are some good gutter cover designs; however, every gutter guard system we have tested (and we have tested a lot of them!) has pluses and minuses.

You may have seen a demonstration at a local home show or in the mall. They look great… the water rolls around the edge of the gutter cover and into the gutter; but do they work in the real world?To some degree yes, but none of them are perfect and none of them will prevent you from ever having to clean your gutters again!

There are over 70 gutter protection products in the U.S. and over 150 companies selling these systems. Every company says that they are the best and that you will never have to clean your gutters again…. if a representative from any gutter guard company in the world makes such a claim, RUN FAST!

There is no such thing as a maintenance free gutter guard!!!!

I REPEAT - There is no such thing as a maintenance free gutter guard!!!!

REGARDLESS of what the manufacturer claims; ALL Gutter Guards will require annual maintenance.

Most of the gutter guards do a fair job of preventing full sized leaves from entering your gutters. That is a simple task. However, many of the gutter cover products fail to stop tiny tree flower buds, seed pods and evergreen needles from entering or clogging the gutters.And none of them are maintenance free… every gutter guard system will require cleaning regardless of their claims!!!

Gutter Cleaning may be a cheaper and better solution…

Gutter guards are not cheap! Depending on the type of gutter guard they run anywhere from $8 to $20 per lineal foot installed. An average house may have 100 feet of gutter; some houses have even more. Most homes’ gutter systems can be cleaned by a professional in an hour or so… you can do the math!

Gutter cleaning, as you well know, is not just a fall activity. Many trees shed debris throughout the seasons.Over time, clogged gutters can do serious damage to a home.Usually, fascia, eaves, and foundation areas suffer first.Paint peels and insects invade.In some cases, rainwater can enter an exterior wall through eaves.Prolonged exposure to a clogged gutter system will also render rafter end and roof sheathing vulnerable to rot.Repairs become expensive.It is not uncommon for some homes to need cleaning four times a year. 

I REPEAT - There is no such thing as a maintenance free gutter guard!!!!